Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Charity Gala and a Decision

Hi friends and family! I can't believe it's been so long since my last blog post - time has managed to slip away from me. Hopefully I can make it up to you by blasting a bunch of posts all at once! First, just a few updates. Casey is still working pretty long hours at his job, so no huge updates there. To make the hours seem less terrible, every once in a while the company throws swanky parties and invites everyone to come. A few weeks ago they threw a charity party for KIPP - a system of public charter schools founded in Houston back in 1994. The theme was a "Casino Night" and they had lots of fancy foods and fancy people. Here are a few photos from their professional photographer:

The next cover of GQ? I think so!
Most non-charity-party days at work are a little less glamorous, and look something like this in my mind:

In other news, I finally came to a decision as to which school I'll be attending after months of (what I wish I could say was) well-thought-out deliberation. I decided about a week before the deadline that I will be going to Cornell this fall - classes begin in late August. Both Mount Sinai and Cornell had revisit weekends where you get to talk to current students, faculty, and other students who have been accepted. They show you around the city, feed you free meals, and give short lectures on why their programs are the best. After both weekends, I ended up kind of just going with my gut where I felt like I fit in, but both schools are great places to study and I don't think I could have made a bad choice. That being said, I am super excited to start at Cornell in the fall! Especially excited about their curriculum, which uses a lot of small group case-based studies in conjunction with the normal lectures. Plus, classes only go from 8-1 every day, so I'm hoping to have a lot (or at least some) free time to continue exploring the city. And writing my blog!

Well, I think that is it for updates over the past month or so. We're excited for the summer to begin and have heard that summers in the city are a ton of fun. Some of the things that are on the list are Shakespeare in the Park, exploring Coney Island / other beaches in the area, and concerts by the NY Philharmonic in Central Park. If you have any ideas of what we should do, feel free to comment! We are definitely open to suggestions.

We're also looking forward to doing a little traveling - next week we're going to LA and San Diego. Casey will be attending a conference for work, and I will be poolside most of the day. Later in the summer we also hope to make a trip to the Midwest and New Mexico to catch up with family and friends. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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