Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Bronx Zoo

As promised, I will continue in the blasting of new posts. Last weekend Casey and I went to the Bronx Zoo for my birthday. It was awesome! We just took the express subway train north for about 25 minutes, and walked to the zoo from there in about 5 minutes. Living on the upper east side makes getting to the Bronx super convenient, and super cheap! Plus tickets were only $16 per person, which is one of the cheapest ways to spend an afternoon outdoors (besides Central Park) in NYC.

I was amazed at how enormous and green the zoo was. Casey said it's the largest urban zoo in the world, and I totally believe it. We were there for over 3 hours and probably got to only two thirds of the exhibits. Highlights included the polar bears and regular bears, tigers, giraffes, a reptile house (from which a Cobra escaped a few months ago!), the rodent palace, a section devoted to animals from Madagascar, and lots of other interesting creatures. And of course, no zoo trip is complete without a stop at the ice cream stand! Here are a few photo highlights from the day:

So much green!

Glorified donkeys. Still awesome. 

Felt like I could almost reach out and touch the giraffes.

Failed attempt to get a giraffe in the background.

The only animal that seems to be allowed to roam all over every zoo. Too fat to fly, maybe?

Explanation for why peacocks stick around: Sun Chips. 

I think this guy is from the Madagascar exhibit. 

Snoozing polar bear

The bears were super active!

Favorite image of the day - he was trying to scratch his chest!
I think this would be my dad's favorite critter...

Pretty lawn / hang out area

More dudes from Madagascar 


Sea lions in the distance

Another favorite - Tiger mountain

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