Sunday, March 25, 2012

Union Sq. Farmer's Market

One of my favorite things to do in New York is to go to the farmer's market. I'm finding that, like many people who visit, the tons and tons of concrete and steel can be overwhelming sometimes, and some days I just want to smell a nice bunch of flowers. The Union Square Farmer's Market is the best place to go for that. Walking along the broad pathway lined with local farmers and businesses, passing everyone from hipsters with their silly glasses and hats to bored upper east side divas with their miniature dogs dressed in more expensive clothing than I will  ever be able to afford, I love taking in the smells of various jams, soaps, fruits & vegetables, honeys, breads, and freshly-cut flowers... it really doesn't get much better than that. Union Square is actually large enough to let some sunlight through for more than one hour per day, and I have missed getting my vitamin D from a source besides a plastic bottle. Even though everything is crazily overpriced, I always leave feeling revitalized and wholesome. The last time I was there, I purchased a homemade peanut butter granola with golden raisins and walnuts (which had been warming in the sun for a few hours), spearmint-vanilla soap crafted from the oil of an ostrich, and apple butter jam that I have literally been spreading on every flat, edible surface I can think of. I think the Union Sq farmer's market could bring out the hippy in even the most rigid conservative, and I recommend it to anyone who ventures into the Big Apple. It runs four days a week, so you can't miss it even if you're here for a short trip! And just to make the post complete, here a few pictures I grabbed from the last time I was there:

I hope you have a great night! More to come!

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