Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Welcome Visit

Hello family and friends! We have a lot of great updates to share with you as a lot has happened in the past week or so. Last Friday Casey had an interview with a hedge fund called Glenview Capital – things went well and they ended up offering him a position by the end of the day! He will be starting next week already and is really looking forward to it. The position is a 10 week internship with the assumption that as long as he does well it will turn into a full time job. He’ll be doing equity research in the technology sector, which I’m hoping translates into him being able to explain how my latest gadgets work. He really likes the people he’ll be working with too, which I think is almost as important as what he’ll actually be doing.

In other news, we heard from the board of the co-op that our interview will be held this Thursday evening. That means we should have a final decision by sometime early next week! Hopefully the interview is just a formality, but I’m still a little nervous about it. The woman we are subleasing from said to wear a full suit to the interview. It sounds like a bit much to me, but I suppose wearing a suit translates into us being responsible adults who aren’t involved in any shady business. At this point I think I’d wear a gorilla suit if it raised our chances of getting the apartment.

For our first night in the city, Casey and I strolled around Rockefeller Center, which was unexpectedly deserted. Out of all the TV shows and movies that have filmed scenes in that area, I had never seen a shot depicting what we saw last night: not a soul around. It was kind of nice. The ice skating rink was bare and glistening, and while the big Christmas tree had already been taken down, the remaining trees were lit up and sparkling blue. It was cold and drizzly out (the type of weather to which I normally object) but I think it deterred the other would-be late night wanderers from venturing out, leaving Casey and I to ourselves. We ended the night by ordering some awful Chinese food that had been sitting under a heat lamp for no less than four hours, along with mint gelato (sold at the same fine dining establishment), and headed back to the hotel.

Tuesday morning we got a slow start to the day – Casey is trying to enjoy his last week of freedom – and finally made it out for lunch at Chipotle. After eating we walked over to Casey’s soon-to-be office, and then walked up Central Park to the Metropolitan Museum (“the Met”). The place is huge, so we picked a few sections that we thought would be interesting: Grecian, Roman, Egyptian, and American art and artifacts, and weapons and armaments. That’s right, there’s an entire section completely devoted to the armor, swords, and ensembles worn by soldiers of years past from all over the world. As a lady, I of course liked browsing through ancient jewelry and décor, but I couldn’t help my fascination with the battlefield accessories. We probably didn’t even get through one sixth of the Met and will definitely have to return to check out the rest.

Knights in armor at the Met

For dinner we tried a small little Thai place called Chai Restaurant. Casey ordered a curry soup and I had their pad thai, both of which were excellent. The restaurant was very cozy and had a romantic atmosphere. It was crazy how close together all of the tables were to one another! I felt kind of bad having to slide my rear end across another guest’s table as I left, but didn’t have much choice. I guess that arrangement is pretty common here. I think it actually gives the restaurants a little extra charm.

Well folks, that’s all for now! Thanks for tuning in – more to come soon! 

1 comment:

  1. 1. Super excited that Casey is working in the tech sector on his intern. Tell him we can have techie discussions all the time!
    2. I think the gorilla suit is a better idea. Convention is overrated.
