Sunday, January 22, 2012


The board approved the sublet! We aren't sure when we'll be moving in yet, but hopefully around February 1st (or as soon as the woman who owns the apartment can get her stuff together to leave). In the meantime, we'll be staying in another hotel near Time Square. It's kind of nice being so close to all of the hustle and bustle, but things are a bit expensive in this area. We will be looking forward to settling in and having a fridge so we can buy groceries!
View from the Wellington hotel
It snowed a few inches on Saturday, which was beautiful on the tops of buildings, but immediately turned to slush on the streets. I guess gray snow is still better than yellow or brown snow?

Snowy view from the Wellington hotel
We do really like being so close to Central Park, both for the scenery and for the people. We met a man named Leaf a few days ago who told us some jokes as well as his thoughts on life. One was: why did the skeleton woman go to the movies alone? Ans: she had no-body to go with! Leaf was a character to say the least, but seemed to really be loving life. And that's what's important, right?
Southern Central Park, where Leaf lives
I hope you have a great day!

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