Monday, April 9, 2012

Return to Texas

Hey folks! This is my first non-NY post since moving. Casey and I went back to Austin for Easter weekend since he got Good Friday off! We were actually surprised that his company had that as a holiday, but then we realized it was because the stock market is closed then. So they couldn't do any work anyway! We were so excited to be back in Texas - the last time we were in Austin was last July for our friends' wedding... couldn't believe it had been so long!

Fortunately since my schedule is so flexible, I was able to stay for a whole week. It was nice taking a break from... well, all of my free time. :) And Casey flew in Friday and was supposed to fly back on Easter Sunday, but his flight was cancelled so he had to fly back Monday. Which was great, because if he had flown Sunday he would have arrived in NY at 11:45pm and gotten home probably around 12:30, only to wake up at 5:45. This way, he got to sleep in and only had a half day of work!

Dad and I did some yard work during the first part of my trip - trying to make the backyard look less like a miniature golf course. We didn't finish the project, but I think we met our goal. Saturday we went out to a local park with Snickers and hiked around a few trails. The weather was great, sunny and in the 70's, and compared to NY there were no people anywhere! That night we were out at Lake Travis listening to the Derailers at a BBQ place - Uncle Billy's. Then Easter Sunday we went to church and Becky & Paul came over for dinner. It's interesting how events that were routine years ago can easily become so once again, in just a second.

It was a pretty relaxing trip, and nice to be back in wide open spaces again. I'll end this short post with a few pictures from the week. Take care, and be on the lookout for a longer NY-centric post soon!

Pondering our next move

At Twin Lakes near Cedar Park

Snickers enjoying an afternoon swim / drink

Texas state flower!

Texas, our Texas!

Uncle Billy's @ Lake Travis

The Derailers

Casey & I near the bluebonnets 

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